Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why I Don't Appreciate @BroadwayGirlNYC

If you love Broadway, if you have a Twitter, if you're basically ALIVE, then you've probably heard of @BroadwayGirlNYC. She has an anonymous twitter account, and all she does is tweet about Broadway. Sounds like a good idea, right? So WHY don't I like her?

First of all, she's about a half-step below @BroadwaySpotted, stalking Broadway stars and tweeting at the same people over and over, practically begging them for a response. Second of all, she's generally biased. Now she has her own blog on www.Broadwayworld.com. I am wtfing.

I've a lot of friends within the theatre circuit, and all of them have a general dislike for Ms. @BroadwayGirlNYC. Now, I'm not saying everyone hates her. She's got how many followers on Twitter and I barely have 47? But my followers are definitely cooler than hers. Laura Bell Bundy's RECORD LABEL is following me on Twitter. Psha. I win, @BroawdayGirlNYC.

But why don't people like her? Personally, I just don't agree with her most of the time. I followed her for a little while, and most of the time I found myself rolling my eyes and thinking, "Do you even go here?!"

From her Twitter: "Do you ever want to pull out a megaphone and yell 'I LOVED MATT MORRISON BEFORE GLEE EVEN EXISTED!!'?"

Uh, no, because I'm not a snobby and pretentious theatre elitist. Sorry.

If you check out her blogs so far on Broadwayworld, the commenters have been none too welcoming. The commenters on the press release have been the harshest: "Kim" says that she hopes @BroadwayGirlNYC will exercise some class and stop insulting Broadway stars. "Pam" asks if @BroadwayGirlNYC is "still gossiping to slander people?" And "Haydee" was less polite, saying "
Maybe if no one reads this, she'll go away." There's obviously some dislike for her, but my question is "why?"

I've given my general reason: I don't agree with her. I did see the exchange that was inaccurately and basically rudely labeled as her "stalking" Laura Bell Bundy, and while I wouldn't call it "stalking" per se, it was a little creepy. Twitter feeds don't lie, @BroadwayGirlNYC.

I took to the boards to find out some other people's opinions! My favorite of all the theatre boards is the Broadway Daily Anon post. They turn off IP logging so that you can be as anonymous as possible and man oh MAN have I had some fun times! You should check it out, but be weary, while not as snarky as the Broadwayworld.com message boards, people will call you out for being an idiot, so don't go on there acting like an idiot.

The general response towards @BroadwayGirlNYC that was presented was that she is a smug know-it-all. One person didn't even know who she was, and that's okay.

Anon says:
"I'm not a fan of the smug holier-than-thouness that comes across in her tweets: the way she dragged out over two days 'announcing' that Janet Dacal was returning to In the Heights, when most people had already heard about it; the way she bitched and moaned about [Broadwayworld] stealing her 'exclusive news' with regards to new Hair cast members. [...] ...the condescending usage of the word 'lovlies' when addressing her Twitter followers, as if she were royalty addressing the common folk."
This anon finished with a flourish, saying, "you never realize how much you hate someone until you start to list the reasons why."

I must honestly say that I agree, but I don't want this blog to come across as a full-fledged hate blog. I don't hate her! Yet, she does have her positive attributes.

She has (a/an) iPhone/blackberry/some type of electronic picture taking device that allows her to take and post pictures to popular Twitter website www.twitpic.com. That is my favorite aspect. She is out and about in the theatre district and she's constantly taking and tweeting pictures of that fabulous and flashy city that I someday hope to call my home. I love her pictures. If I could just follow her Twitpic account (which I actually think you can) then I'd be all over that like gravy on mashed potatoes. As someone who doesn't have the luxury of living in New York, I enjoy the privilege of seeing exclusive pictures of New York City. I love that.

To wrap things up, @BroadwayGirlNYC is not the Hitler of the theatre community. She's rather cute in her own fun, dorky and biased kind of way. She tweets honestly about shows she didn't like, and praises shows she did. While her opinions sometimes rub some people the wrong way, she's still part of the theatre community and I whole-heartedly welcome her with open arms. I look forward to what she brings to the theatre community, although the "PSSST! GOSSIP! RUMORS!" at then end of her blogs are extremely cheesy.

What was the point of this blog? To find out why people like a biased nobody who is now a somebody BECAUSE she posts as a nobody.

Hopefully, @BroadwayGirlNYC, you won't take this blog as an insult. I hope you'll take it as constructive criticism and learn to tweet and blog in a more mature and audience-pleasing way.


What You Should Have Learned:

1. @BroadwayGirlNYC is a Tweeter and a Blogger.
2. People don't like her.
3. I don't like her.

4. Don't be an idiot.
5. It's okay if you DO like her.

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