Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's 2011.

It's been quite a while since I've posted.

It's now 2011. Throughout 2010, I experienced love, deceit, hatred, break-ups, revenge, vengeance, and quite a bit of other things. I'm a new person, and I'm wholly proud of who that new person is. I've done quite a bit of growing up after being lied to and deceived by someone that I thought loved me, and that's okay. I'm glad that I learned those lessons and I'm glad that I'm a new, better person.

Speaking of being a new person, I've got a few resolutions to discuss:

1. Go an entire three months without wearing fake nails. So far, I've gone a week and a half. I'm rather proud. I almost had a relapse, but luckily I ran out of nail glue.

2. Stop talking about him. I'm not explaining this.

3. Stop being such an angry driver! Seriously!

4. Stop complaining about everything.

Those are my resolutions. So far, I've only made headway on that first one, but that's only because I made up those last three just now as I typed this, so...yeah.

Anyway, what's been up with me? I got a job at I'm an intern, but still: it's an AMAZING experience. I love working for them and with them. My job really is very cool.

I fell in love in 2010, and it was good, and then it was horrible, and now it's wonderful because I punched him and told him to get the fuck out of my life. :)

I learned a lot in 2010. I'm GLAD it's 2011. I'm getting out there. I'm extremely happy. :)

There is also a guy that I fancy.



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