Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's 2011.

It's been quite a while since I've posted.

It's now 2011. Throughout 2010, I experienced love, deceit, hatred, break-ups, revenge, vengeance, and quite a bit of other things. I'm a new person, and I'm wholly proud of who that new person is. I've done quite a bit of growing up after being lied to and deceived by someone that I thought loved me, and that's okay. I'm glad that I learned those lessons and I'm glad that I'm a new, better person.

Speaking of being a new person, I've got a few resolutions to discuss:

1. Go an entire three months without wearing fake nails. So far, I've gone a week and a half. I'm rather proud. I almost had a relapse, but luckily I ran out of nail glue.

2. Stop talking about him. I'm not explaining this.

3. Stop being such an angry driver! Seriously!

4. Stop complaining about everything.

Those are my resolutions. So far, I've only made headway on that first one, but that's only because I made up those last three just now as I typed this, so...yeah.

Anyway, what's been up with me? I got a job at I'm an intern, but still: it's an AMAZING experience. I love working for them and with them. My job really is very cool.

I fell in love in 2010, and it was good, and then it was horrible, and now it's wonderful because I punched him and told him to get the fuck out of my life. :)

I learned a lot in 2010. I'm GLAD it's 2011. I'm getting out there. I'm extremely happy. :)

There is also a guy that I fancy.



Saturday, April 24, 2010

Get the Live Performance!

Hey, guys! Laura Bell Bundy’s performance from the ACM Awards on Sunday is available on iTunes for $.99! Follow the link and purchase it now!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Giddy the fuck On UP!!!!



I DVR'd the awards show (because I hate country music and not even for Laura Bell Bundy will I sit through three hours of that crap) and fast forwarded until I got to her performance.

First off all, she looked BEAUTIFUL. Second of all, you could tell she was nervous as HELL and who wouldn't be?!! I think it's kinda sweet that she was nervous! It made me remember that she's still little LBB and that she's human.

Her performance was amazing. I'm not even going to state the obvious problem. If you hated her performance because of that, I have a challenge for you: Get your fat ass on treadmill, set it to the highest setting it can go, start running, and then try belting your face off to that song. Couldn't do it, couldja? Didn't think so, ass. She was classy as hell and for that, she gets a million brownie points (maybe no brownies. I would hate to ruin that perfect body. A points? I don't friggin' know.).

Furthermore, Laura's performance was flawless for those of us who know how fcking difficult it is to sing and dance simultaneously. She has a very unique skill of being able to stabilize her voice and sing at the same time. I was made fully aware of this while watching her Wal-Mart soundcheck.

I'm getting extremely irritated by all of these country music fans who are saying that Laura isn't country or that she doesn't fit in or some other bullshit about why she doesn't belong. If these people knew anything about country music, they'd know that Shania Twain brought about the same kind of hustle and bustle when she busted onto the scene with "Man, I Feel Like a Woman." Everyone was calling her the same names people are calling Laura. I wish people would recognize the amount of talent that Laura has and get off of their little high horses. YOU BETTA RECO'NIZE!

I'm also sick of people saying that they didn't want to watch her dance, they wanted to hear her sing. Um, do you know who you're talking about? She's Laura Bell Bundy and if there's one thing she's never NOT, it's enter-friggin'-taining. She will never show up somewhere and not put on a God damn show.

Keep on keepin' on, Laura. I will be the first to buy tickets to your concert (if you ever have one) when they go on sale in my town. I ain't travellin', though, so you better come to Sacramento, CA. ;)

What You Should Have Learned:


Monday, April 12, 2010

Hollywood is Where the Theatre Goes to Die

So, lately there's been a huge hubbub about the rumored casting of Neil Patrick Harris's version of RENT at the Hollywood bowl. So far, Vanessa Hudgens as Mimi has been confirmed. Adam Lambert was rumored as Angel on, but he quickly bashed those rumors on his Twitter.

I've said this before and I'll say it again: an actor getting miscast is not the actor's fault, it's the director's. We won't know if Vanessa (who can't sing a lick live, and the only time she sounds relatively normal or halfway pleasant to listen to is when she's auto-tuned) or who ever else gets cast will be good until we see them.

 The bottom line that people need to remember is that the Hollywood Bowl is used for actors of film and television that can't commit to the rigorous eight-times-a-week schedule to return to or get a feel for the stage. Many film and TV actors started on the stage (like Adam Lambert, etc).

We shouldn't be bashing Vanessa and Adam (or whoever else). If they suck, then we can bash them, but in all it's Neil's fault.

Adam Pascal threw a hissy fit on Facebook as he ALWAYS does and told people to stop being so catty and to calm down. Uh, well, that's all well and good and all but I think, for once, he needs to shut up. RENT changed lives. RENT is what it is. It's a masterpiece in some people's eyes. They don't want anyone to ruin their show. As far as I'm concerned, while some people might be overreacting, I think the general reaction is an okay one. The fans want the integrity of their show preserved.

Neil, please don't fuck up RENT for the rest of us.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

When It Really Does ALL Go South

You can currently listen to every track on Laura Bell Bundy's unreleased album here. The album itself drops next Tuesday, April 13th, and you can buy a ridiculously over-priced, so-called "collector's package" that features cool things including the CD on her website.

As a legitimate fan of Laura, I feel I have the right to review this CD and have my opinion count, not that it will, but still. Who else is going to tell her the truth other than her REAL fans? I'm not here to kiss her ass, I'm here to tell her (if she ever sees this) what I REALLY think.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Okay, Now I Just Hate Her.

If you haven't already, please take a moment to read this disgusting article:

Those who know me know that if I hear a rumor, I absolutely do not believe it under any circumstances unless I hear the truth or an explanation straight from the horse's mouth, Broadway-related or not.

Those who know me also know that I don't mess around when it comes to people being disgustingly disrespectful.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Broadway Dictionary

This blog will contain commonly used words, phrases, lingo, vernacular, and other Broadway related terms that every Broadway fan should know. It will be continuously updated and I'll refer to it constantly, in case I say something you might not understand. If you think I've missed something, please feel to leave a comment and I'll gladly add it!

And now, without further ado, here is the Broadway Dictionary: